Build Great Web Apps With Sencha Touch

The world of mobile app development is quickly becoming a crowded and complicated space, especially for those outside of the development niche. “Which development platform should I use?” “Do I go native or Web-based?” “Which devices should I plan for?” “Can I build my mobile website by hand or should I use a pre-built package?” The questions are endless.

As a designer, my job is to help my clients answer these questions. I try to stay in the category of “knowing enough to be dangerous,” and I keep tabs on the latest mobile development trends, one being the growing popularity of mobile Web apps.

Sencha Touch is one of the most powerful HTML5 mobile frameworks available. It uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create native-like mobile applications, and with the help of PhoneGap these applications can even be submitted to native app stores (IOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows phone and others).

This is not a normal tutorial; it is a complete guide for beginners to Sencha Touch. It's dedicated to destroying all obstacles a beginner may run into. It does not focus on teaching the ins and outs of Sencha Touch itself but rather focuses on the bigger picture and how everything pieces together - how to get from one step to the next. It follows the problems I encountered along my journey of learning Sencha Touch and I walk you through all the tricky things you need to know and point you to all the resources that I found most helpful in learning the framework.

Here's a glance at just some of the things you'll learn:

  • Set up the Perfect Development Environment
  • Getting Started with First Sencha Touch App
  • The easy way to Understand The MVC File Structure
  • Handling Interactions with Controllers and Defining Views
  • Designing Forms for Efficient Data Entry
  • Building a Contact Manager
  • Building a Blog Posts Application
  • Export your apps to Different Platforms
  • And more …

By the end of this course, you should be well on your way to deploying a complete app across multiple mobile platforms and save you time learning the code necessary for each platforms.

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