This is a practical course which familiarise you with a JavaScript End-to-End testing and Protractor framework. We will start new project from scratch then create and organise code base. We will be thinking how to write tests, how to build project architecture, what can be improved in order to test automation.
Section 1 Introduction: in this section we have 2 introduction videos which covers course content and E2E testing theory.
In Section 2 we will setup all the necessary environment in order to work with Node.js/npm/ and Protractor we verify that Protractor was installed on your machine and explain typical errors during installation.
Section 3 we'll analyse application under test, touch 'params' and start writing first tests for our project i.e login test etc.
Section 4 shows us what we can Improve in our test and we are going deeply in advanced Protractor concepts. Also, we'll put project under source control - Git
Section 5 will be all about code organisation and Page Object pattern implementation. We'll write more test there.
Finally, Section 6 shows advanced option that you can use with Protractor like cloud integration, directConnect, multiCapabilities, dotenv. Guidelines and best practices.