Master Microsoft Excel, Outlook and Word 2013 - 26 Hours

Master the Ins and Outs of Microsoft Office 2013

  • Spreadsheets with Excel 2013
  • Emails and Calendars with Outlook 2013
  • Documents with Word 2013

Contents and Overview

The course is designed for individuals and office professionals who need to master the capabilities of Microsoft Office 2013.

Through 26 hours of video lectures, you'll learn the essentials with these 3 popular courses:

  • Excel 2013 Beginning/Intermediate: Create basic spreadsheets and use formulas for tracking expenses.
  • Outlook 2013: Get organized with your emails and calendar so you can start getting more done.
  • Word 2013: Create documents, embed videos, and set up for online collaboration for joint projects for school or work.

When you complete this course, you'll be well on your way to becoming a master at workplace efficiency with the tools available in Microsoft Office 2013.


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