15 advanced SEO tips & tricks from an ex-Googler

In this course 15 advanced SEO tips: not every ranking problem is a penalty, the ex-Googler Jonas Weber (Search Quality team) & SEO expert (over 10 years experience in SEO) gives you special and advanced tips about different ranking problems from real client case studies and how he solved them. Most of them have nothing to do with updates like Penguin or Panda. It is important to have the perfect technical setup that nothing can happen. You need years to build great and sustainable rankings but you can destroy them in a very short period of time.

  • Exclusive ex-Googler advice out of over 10 years of experience in the field of SEO
  • mainly for intermediate and advanced SEO’s
  • learn out of others mistakes and don’t do them yourself
  • some SEO disasters in this course did cost millions of USD
  • learn about advanced best practices in SEO and double check your website if everything is setup correct
  • avoid cost intensive mistakes it is enough that others had to suffer. You can learn and benefit out of it!


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