Beat The Recession Marketing - Complete Certificate Course

The most in-depth A to Z Marketing Course on Udemy for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. A complete, no fluff, value packed marketing course designed to help take your business or idea from blending in to standing out.  

Times Have Changed, Has Your Business Approach?

Join The Recession Marketing Movement and learn how to reach today's"Modern Consumer" where they are, doing what they love. For a business to be successful today, they must learn to STOP interrupting WHAT people are doing and BECOME what people are doing.

Here Are 7 Key Elements This Training Will Teach Each Student:

  1. How to Increase their Visibility in the Market Place.
  2. How to Generate Interested Leads for any product or service.
  3. How to Capture Leads and Engage Them.
  4. How to Convert Leads into Sales.
  5. How to Build Seller Customer Retention.
  6. How to Reach Consumers "Where They Are" via Multi-Channel Marketing.
  7. A Complete Road Map to Success (Blueprint Sheet)

Certificate of Completion

All students who complete this course will receive a FREE Visionary Concepts Digital Certificate, alongside Udemy's own Certificate of Completion. 


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