ChatBots: How to Make a Facebook Messenger Chat Bot in 1hr

> Only Course on Chatbots on Udemy! This is an Intro Price Please Take advantage while it lasts <

You will Learn How to Build a ChatBot for Facebook Messenger in 1 Day! This course was based on one of the features of our 'Smart Notes Bot' which parrots back what the user types. 

In this course, we will be building a Parrot Bot and deploying it to Facebook Messenger:

  1. Part 1: You will learn how to build a Server and host your Chat Bot in the Cloud.
  2. Part 2: We will connect your ChatBot to Facebook Messenger using Webhooks and Access Token.
  3. Part 3: We will play and manipulate the bot and explore User Interface and Experience possibilities. This like Facebook Cards and AI will be discussed as well as ChatBot Discovery.

Anyone can make a Bot using this course! This course was Designed so even a complete newbie could create the Parrot Bot.

What you Need to Be Successful in this Course:

  1. Computer and Internet Connection
  2. Desire to Learn: Passion for Chatbots & Ai
  3. 1 Full Day: Some students can complete this course as quickly as a few hours. If your new to programing, I suggest you take the day and run through this course content first then replay it and build the Parrot Bot. 

What technologies are Included? For the front end we will be using JaveScript and Node.js for the backend. You can however use anything you want for the backend (php, ruby, etc). Here is a brief summary of technologies used in this course:

  • Heroku Servers to Host and Deploy Bot
  • Node.js & JaveScript to program the Chat Bot
  • Visual Studios as IDE
  • Github for Repository
  • Facebook Page & Developer Account

*Everything you Need will be provided in this course for Free 

You Should take this course if:

  • You have a desire to learn how to make ChatBots
  • You are new to Chat Bot building
  • You want to make a Chatbot Today

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to make a chatbot from scratch. We will focus on the main components of building a chatbot which includes building the server, adding your code to it, deploying it in the cloud, and connecting it with Facebook Messenger. 

As an intro course to chat bot development, we will briefly discuss Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning however this topic is too advanced for the course. We will be using javascript and node.js to build our chatbot however this is not a course on javascript/node.js. 


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