LATEST: Course updated again with new video lectures in April 2015
Welcome to the Dating Advice for Women - Get Ready for a Great Relationship course! Here we talk about how to date successfully, whether it's online dating or traditional dating. I provide simple dating advice and relationship tips that can literally transform your life, if you apply them properly and consistently. From love, sex, dating, and relationships to conflict resolution and self-respect --- my dating tips for women and love advice are less focused on "how do I find love", and more on "how do I become a good date to be able to find a good date"… We will focus on finding harmony and joy in relationships. That's what determines dating success.
Get ready for a great dating relationship, save yourself from stress, pain, and regrets! Start today, immediately, like my 690+ students!
Have you ever experienced pain and regrets associated with bad relationship mistakes made when chemistry overpowers your character decrement? You know that Mr. or Mrs. Right that everyone told you to avoid but you couldn't keep your hands off the person? That's what this course is all about… See how I got myself out of relational misery and frustration and have a happy life. You can have it, too!
Hurry and secure your lifetime access to this course today - click "Take This Course" button on top to the right. Take advantage of the low price now!
The first 50 students who complete 100% of this course will be able to ask me whatever question they are most curious to know the answer to and I will RECORD A VIDEO RESPONSE addressed to the student personally and publish it as a new lecture here. Limited to 50 students only as I will develop a detailed answer and produce a video.
First come first serve ONLY. One question only for the video, while other questions you can always ask and I will always answer via discussion board or private message.
Have you been suffering from relational pain, regrets, confusion, disappointment, or maybe even abuse? I know what it feels like, trust me, and I want to save you some pain, that's why I created this course!
Experience is what enables me to relate to your struggles and help you step-by-step. If you want to learn how to avoid awful relationships and how to build awesome relationships, this course has been created with you in mind.
It will help you create a positive shift in your relationships and change your life!
The skills you will develop during this course include:
- Establishing good character discernment
- Creating new relational thinking patterns
- Avoiding relationships that destroy you and your life
- Finding and building healthy, meaningful relationships that enrich your life
During this course you'll learn how to:
- Learn the secrets of great dating relationships
- Avoid stress, pain, and regrets from bad dating decisions
- Get dating & relationship advice that creates happiness
- Set meaningful relationship goals for dating
- Develop new dating habits that will ensure your success
How will you learn?
In this course you won't get bored, I promise! In addition to the 19 video lectures where I personally talk to you face-to-face, to help you practice new concepts and apply new skills, I created multiple assessments, quizzes, exercises, checklists, guides, and much more!
Plus, I'm always available to answer your questions through a discussion board or private messages as well as on Twitter and Facebook.
The most important thing is that with the way I structured this course for you, there will be a chance to learn something new, test what you've learned, develop a skill, and practice it, and so you have clarity later, there are checklists to help you remember the most important things as you apply new knowledge in your everyday life. It's gonna be fun :-)
Why is this course important to you?
Because when you discover your power within, you unleash your ability to create your own best reality and future. Are you ready? The more you wait, the more you miss out on the opportunity to create long-lasting fulfillment and happiness in YOUR relationships and life.
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E N D O R S E M E N T S . . .
People who got to preview the content of this course early say
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"Mothers tell your daughters" - Jennifer Procopio
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"As a single professional woman I can relate to this 100%. It is easy to fall into relationships that led us to feel “distracted, forgetful, incapable, unable, lost, unfocused, insecure, or confused", and what is sad about this is that sometimes we don't even see it or admit it. Sometimes in the name of LOVE, we open ourselves to anything, not knowing it can hurt us…" - Johanna Pinto
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"Anna, this is information that can help many! Our relationship choices absolutely create the largest domino effects in our lives! Thank you for sharing this!" - Debbie Dickerson
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"Anna. You have brought attention to a real, confronting issue that will be helpful, im sure, to many people out there who are having their self-esteem subtley eroded by people who like to take the best in you in order to boost themselves & their own insecurities. You have hit the nail on the head with this…" - Betty Anne Kerr
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"I think you are bringing to women's attention one of the most valuable lessons in life. I think women will really benefit from your tips and the fact that you are sharing, open heart, your personal story…" - Lisa Toniolo
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"Yes, this does feel more than just a little familiar. Thank you, Anna." - Joelle S. Bailard, JD., PH.D.
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"Research shows relationships have a direct affect on career: earning power, promotions, job satisfaction and fulfillment... and of course how you feel at home. Life's too short to be unhappy -- or to allow someone else to make you unhappy." - Jeff Haden
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"Thank you for sharing some of your personal journey and lessons learned Anna." - Lorene Schaefer, Esq.
I M P O R T A N T . . .
This brand-new course is for single women who want to have great, healthy, happy, awesome, fulfilling relationships while avoiding awful relationships that cause pain, regrets, abuse, financial trouble, career failure, and even worse.
If you want to be successful at relationships, this course is for you!
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D E S C R I P T I O N . . .
- According to Ann Rule, in the online dating world, women are afraid of meeting a serial killer. It's revealed that about 3% of men are psychopaths, of which a tiny percentage are actually serial killers. (Mapes, Diane. 2006. How to Date in a Post-Dating World. Seattle, WA: Sasquatch Books.)
- According to the Dating Report for 2014, 69% of singles are confused about whether they're on an actual date or not when they go out with someone they like.
- According to a national survey from Cricket Wireless on communication and relationships, 56% of Americans show affection by sending emoticons or emojis to significant others.
- According to a study by Match dot com, singles in their 30s are very likely to settle for a friend with benefits relationship.
Do you want to settle for just a friend-with-benefits relationship? Don't you deserve more than a hookup buddy? Yes, you deserve a partner, a soulmate, someone who deeply cares about you and will give you a real affection, not virtual, will understand you, love you, appreciate and admire you.
Don't you want to have clarity and focus in your relationships and to know for sure whether you are on a date or not and be confident regarding where you stand in the relationship?
Why choose confusion and frustration when you can have clarity, satisfaction, and fulfillment instead? And you sure need to avoid a serial killer!
You are failing at relationships because you don't know what you don't know. That's why learning what I teach in this course will set you up for success.
By missing the number one secret of relationship success that I reveal throughout these lectures, you will always be making the same mistakes and find your heart broken again and again. I don't want that for you. You deserve better than that! Don't you?
Unless you follow the roadmap I provide here, you will be just another statistic...
But why choose to be that if you can choose to succeed? Leverage my experience and my knowledge to YOUR benefit! Act now, and you have nothing to lose. Really!
W A R R A N T Y . . .
- You have unlimited lifetime access, even when I add new lectures, at no additional cost.
- I will be producing new lectures and bonuses, and you'll get all of them absolutely free.
- My help is always available to you. Sometimes going through a Udemy course on your own can be lonely! Whether it's a question, a comment, or you feel stuck and need resources to move forward, I'm right here, only one click away, and I'm committed to supporting you not just throughout this course, but as you move on and grow, too.
- Udemy money-back guarantee is a foundational promise that the product in front of you is really good and will definitely help you. If you take this course and follow the roadmap I created for you, YOU WILL SUCCEED. Enroll now and try it for yourself risk-free!