(Free) Create eBook Templates With Powerpoint 2010

The process of creating eBooks is about to get more exciting!

Ebooks are great promotional or educational tools for your website, but most of them are rather humdrum, with nothing but white backgrounds and black text.

I'm going to show you how to easily spice up your ebook design using Powerpoint, Canva (free) and Photoshop. But don't worry if you don't have or know how to use Photoshop because you can get a free, 30-day trial and I'll explain how in the course.

(Photoshop is only used in one video and not necessary to create amazing designs. Powerpoint and Canva are really all you need and Canva is free.)

This is a quick course that you can finish in under 40 minutes, and by the end of it, you will be able to confidently create various designs and templates for your future ebook projects.

Your audience is going to be amazed and your competitors will wonder how you did it!

If you're tired of publishing black and white ebooks, enroll in my course today!


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