FREE! Happiness Psychology: 5 Proven Tips

UPDATE: Now with full English subtitles!

You're about to understand the simple things that can transform your happiness and sense of well-being. For centuries, people have been trying to figure out what it takes to live the good life. It might seem like a question that will always be up for debate among philosophers, but science has some answers.

Recent research in psychology and neuroscience have uncovered reliable strategies that people can use to be happier. We know way more about who's living a satisfying life and why. I'm a social psychologist, and I've done an extensive review of these research studies to show you what works.

This course keeps things simple by highlighting 5 simple things that you can do today to increase your happiness and well-being. Everything you're about to learn comes from documented, peer-reviewed research in psychological science.

Happier people enjoy a bunch of other benefits ranging from workplace success to better social lives. So what do you have to lose? Enroll in this course now to get a quick introduction to this fascinating and valuable topic.

This course is a special selection of lectures on the psychology of happiness. For a more advanced course, please check out “Be Happier with Positive Psychology," available here on Udemy.


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