From 0 to 1: JavaFX and Swing for Awesome Java UIs

  • Prerequisites: Basic understanding of Java
  • Taught by a Stanford-educated, ex-Googler, husband-wife team
  • Hundreds of lines of source code with hundreds of lines of code - just download and open in your IDE

A definitive guide to JavaFX, and a comprehensive guide to Swing are packed into this intensely practical, quirky guide to building awesome UIs in Java

Let’s parse that.

  • This course is a definitive guide to JavaFX: every important part of the framework is covered in great detail, with sophisticated examples and context
  • The course is a comprehensive guide to Swing: you will be able to build sophisticated, clean Swing apps, and employ every important technique.
  • The course is intensely practical, packed with dozens of examples and hundreds of lines of included source code.
  • The course is also quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. There’s also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall.

What's Covered:

  • JavaFX: JavaFX as the evolutionary successor of Swing; Javascript and CSS support; FXML and SceneBuilder; how FXML and Dependency Injection work; zippy synching with Properties and Bindings; 3D Animations; 2D Animations (Transitions and Timelines); Charting - for the first time in Java; Media support, and building a real Media Player; Image handling and animated GIF construction; multi-threading in JavaFX; plus all the standard stuff: menus, trees, browser controls;
  • Swing: Framework basics; JFrames, JPanels and JComponents; Menus and menu handling; Trees and their nuances; File choosers, buttons, browser controls
  • Design: The MVC Paradigm, Observer and Command Design Patterns; Dependency Injection via FXML

Programming Drills (code-alongs, with source code included)

  • A News Curation app to summarise newspaper articles into a concise email snippet
  • Animated GIF generation, using Java Image libraries as well multi-threading support
  • A fully fledged Media Player to play MP3 and MP4 files; complex wiring up of UI elements to make sure the little details (volume control, position sliders) work right
  • 2D Animations to rival those available in Powerpoint and other presentation software
  • 3D Animations including moving cameras, rotation and transition of 3D shapes
  • Bubble Charts and Tables to represent revenue, market valuation and growth of a set of companies - a business app as good as Excel
  • Javascript and CSS examples that show how these incredibly powerful tools can be used inside a Java UI app
  • SceneBuilder and FXML support, so that design and implementation can be divvied up between designers and software engineers

Talk to us!

  • Mail us about anything - anything! - and we will always reply :-)


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