This is a course for direct sales and network marketing reps who have realized that their success is a result of more than telling their story. You need to know what to so and say to make sales. This course will highlight my favorite 10 action items that I coach my clients on to improve their success rate without being high pressure and pushy.
Learn How to Decrease Your Overwhelm, Increase Your Sales, and Develop Your Team Members
- Plan your month so you can balance your business and family
- Stop letting people slip through the cracks
- Set appointments instead of selling in casual conversations
- Connect with customers in the presentation part so they are motivated to buy
- Connect with your team members and help them build their skills
Learn How to Communicate Effectively and Your Team Revenue Will Grow
Success in network marketing is tricky for so many reasons. Motivation, your "why," and "sharing" is important. But so many people don't have a background in sales, and ultimately whatever you call it, network marketing is selling products. Our mental blocks about what we think "sales" is keep so many amazing people from learning the skills they need to do well. Those that are successful are already doing these things, but they might not even realize it.
The average lifespan of someone in network marketing is 90 days. My goal is to stop that trend, and help people who aren't "naturals" learn the basic skills to help them effectively communicate the value of their products and their business opportunity.
I designed this course to include action items for beginners, but surely anyone at any level will find a few action items that will bolster their business.
There are four main topics I review, and each person should choose one topic that will give them the best return for their personal situation. I review getting organized, setting better appointments, customer-centered sales conversations, and developing your team members.
This course has seven video lectures, and includes a workbook for easy reference. Open the workbook, fill it out as you go, and commit to implementing the most impactful things each week. Share this with your team, because you know they need to sell more too, right?
At the end of this course, you will walk away with a choice of action items to take for making more sales in your business and a good understanding of types of skills you can develop over time. You will leave with an awareness that there is a step-by-step process out there, and that you too can be successful.