(NEW) Master your bidding strategies on Facebook & Instagram

Become an expert Facebook & Instagram Auctioneer in less than an hour!

With inside information from an official Facebook Marketing Partner, you'll learn everything about how Facebook & Instagram's auctioning system works, create your own custom bidding strategies and run tests to see if you made the right decision.

Why should you take this course?

  • If you have conversion campaigns which are mysteriously not "running"
  • If you have been trying custom bidding but with no results so far
  • If you want to get more results from your campaigns with the same budget
  • If you want to step up your game with custom bidding strategies
  • If you want to go hands on with a Facebook Marketing Partner!

How is this course structured?

  • This course is designed in such a way that even if you have never used custom bidding before, that you'll still be able to become an expert in less than an hour.
  • We'll start with the basics in how an auction works.
  • I'll show you the formula Facebook & Instagram use to decide wether or not to show your ad.
  • I'll tell you about some auction secrets you can use for your own benefits.
  • We'll discuss when to choose manual bidding over automatic bidding.
  • I'll give you a live demo and finally discuss some best practices.


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