Social Media Hacking

  • 150,000+ Students have enrolled in our 60+ Courses!
  • Over 5,000 Five Star Reviews!
  • Comprehensive Social Media course covering YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter & Wordpress
  •  Have a look at our curriculum & preview lectures to see the value of this course!

Social Media is an extremely powerful tool. As a matter of fact, as a manager, freelancer or entrepreneur, regardless whether you do business online or offline, if you're not high on Social Media you are going to lose out.

Here are some of the results that we have achieved on Social Media thus far:

  • YouTube: Over 20,000 subscribers for VideoSchoolOnline
  • Twitter: 2,000+ Twitter followers
  • LinkedIn: Over 1,000 connections & dozens of successful meetings with entrepreneurs
  • Facebook: A combined 5,000 fans on our 2 Facebook Pages
  • Udemy: 150,000+ students enrolled in our 60+ courses

Things haven't always been this way and we didn't stumble over a magic pill that made all these people follow us. This has been the result of consistent hard work. However, this doesn't mean that we didn't work efficiently - in fact this is what we aim to teach you in this course.

We're strong believers in the 80:20 principle - you don't need to master every aspect on Facebook or YouTube in order to get results. You just need to know the 20% of actions most people use to generate 80% of their results, the so-called HACKS.

Here what you'll learn in this course:

  • Youtube Traffic Hacks: Boost interactions, skyrocket your views and increase your subscribe rate 3 times!
  • LinkedIn Influencer Blueprint: Create a superstar Profile & network with top entrepreneurs and influencers in your field
  • Twitter & Facebook Roadmaps: Get 1,000s of followers by perfecting a tweeting strategy and creating a magnetic Facebook Fan Page

As a bonus, you will also get: 

  • An entire section on Wordpress Hacks for more website traffic and increased conversions
  • An entire section on 3rd Party Tools that you can use in order to be more efficient & automate your Social Media Strategy
  • Numerous Case Studies & PDFs

With the Udemy 30-day Money back guarantee and our strong background, enrolling in this course is a no-brainer. Have a look at our curriculum and preview lectures and join us in unlocking your Social Media potential!


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