If you are thinking of becoming a web developer or just curious about how to build websites HTML is the
language you will need to start with. Every website on the planet has been built structurally using HTML.
A website is built using a variety of technologies such as HTML which is used to create the structure ;then you have
CSS or cascading style sheets which is used to style or make the website presentable;The third language you need is known as Javascript which
is responsible for the interactivity( This means the actions a visitor performs on a website e.g clicking on a button or completing a form) on the website .
The good thing about HTML is that it is relatively easy to learn and in this course you will learn by doing which is the best way to gain
understanding about HTML.
This is what you will learn in this course:
What is HTML
What is an Element and how to create one
What is a nested Element and how to create one
How to create a basic HTML document structure
How to create a HTML document
How to add an image to a website
How to create and use attributes
How to create an ordered list
How to create unordered list
How to create links
How to create paragraphs
How to create headings
How to use comments
This course is video based and less than 2hours long. By the end of this course you will be able to build a simple one page website
with what you have learnt.
I look forward to seeing you on the course.
Thank you